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The Editor helps you to create a document.

Simon Funk avatar
Written by Simon Funk
Updated over 5 months ago

Using the AI Assistant

To add text blocks by using the AI Assistant, click on the AI Assistant-Symbol on the top right corner:

You can paste any text which is generated by the AI Assistant directly into the Editor by clicking on the following button:

Using the "write more" funcion

Whenever you have entered some text in the Editor, you can use the "write more" function by clicking on the button:

You have the option to choose the amount of text which shall be inserted.

Using text "improve" or "rewrite"

You can improve and / or rewrite any text which you have entered in the Editor previously. To do so, mark the relevant text and do right-click with your mouse:

Once you click the "Save" Button on the Editor on the top left corner, the document is automatically saved in the folder "Documents".

You can also find a video on how to use it here:

If you prefer product tours, below is a product tour that shows you how to use it step by step.

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